Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

sejarah android

Google membeli sebuah perusahaan bernama Android pada Juli 2005. Perusahaan tersebut dipimpin oleh beberapa orang yang berpengalaman di dunia mobile.

Setelah pengakuisisian oleh Google, perusahaan tersebut menutup diri, kemudian rumor tersebar bahwa Google tengah mengembangkan ponsel.

Rumor tersebut akhirnya menjadi kenyataan pada November 2007. Google tiba-tiba mengumumkan saat itu bahwa mereka memang mengembangkan sebuah ponsel Google, dan juga sistem operasi mobile baru yang disebut Android.

Android didasarkan pada kernel Linux dan dirancang untuk digunakan oleh Open Handset Alliance yang terdiri dari sekelompok puluhan pembuat hardware, carrier dan perusahaan terkait perangkat mobile lainnya.

Android versi 1.0 1.1 (tanpa nama)

HTC produsen pertama yang menggunakan sistem operasi Android 1.0 pada HTC Dream (T-Mobile G1 dalam versi AS) pada Oktober 2008. Update Android versi 1.1 dirilis pada Februari 2009.

Android 1.5 Cupcake

Versi pertama dari sistem operasi Android yang benar-benar memamerkan kekuatan platform miliknya adalah Android 1.5 Cupcake.

Konon Android 1.5 Cupcake ini seharusnya adalah versi 1.2, tetapi Google akhirnya memutuskan untuk membuat pembaharuan besar dan menghadirkan versi 1.5 dengan nama Cupcake.

Cupcake adalah kue kecil yang sangat populer di seluruh dunia saat ini yang dibuat dalam wadah berbentuk cetakan dan biasanya disajikan dengan frosting di atasnya.

Inilah awal dari penamaan versi Android dengan nama dessert atau makanan penutup.

Android 1.6 Donut

Android versi 1.6 Donut dirilis pada September 2009. Update versi ini memperbaiki bug OS yang sering reboot dengan fitur foto dan video dari kamera antarmuka dan integrasi pencarian yang lebih baik.

Versi ini juga menambahkan dukungan untuk ukuran layar yang lebih besar, dan diberi versi awal fitur navigasi turn-by-turn besutan Google.

Donat seperti diketahui adalah makanan atau kue dengan bentuk khas berupa lubang ditengah bentuk lingkarannya. Donat adalah kue yang populer dan turun temurun dikonsumsi di seluruh dunia.

Android 2.0 - 2.1 Eclair

Android 2.0 Eclair dirilis pada Oktober 2009, dengan bugfix versi 2.0.1 pada Desember 2009. Android 2.1 dirilis pada Januari 2010.

Fitur tambahan dalam Android versi ini adalah dukungan Bluetooth 2.1, flash dan kamera dengan digital zoom, multi-touch, live wallpaper dan lainnya.

Eclair adalah makanan penutup yakni kue yang biasanya berbentuk persegi panjang yang dibuat dengan krim di tengah dan lapisan cokelat di atasnya.

Android 2.2 - 2.2.3 Froyo

Android 2.2 Froyo dirilis pada Mei 2010 dengan peningkatkan kecepatan dan pengadopsian Javascript dari browser Google Chrome dengan berbagai tambahan fitur lainnya.

Froyo adalah kependekan dari Frozen Yoghurt. Frozen Yoghurt adalah yoghurt yang telah mengalami proses pendinginan, sehingga secara terlihat sama seperti es krim.

Android 2.3 - 2.4 Gingerbread

  Android 2.3 Gingerbread dirilis secara resmi pada Desember 2010. Pada 7 Desember 2010, Google secara resmi mengumumkan smartphone Nexus S yang dibuat oleh Samsung yang menjadi smartphone pertama dengan Android versi ini.

Gingerbread memiliki tambahan fitur dukungan untuk SIP internet calling, kemampuan nirkabel NFC, dukungan untuk lebih dari satu kamera, dukungan untuk sensor giroskop dan sensor lainnya, fitur download manager, sejumlah tweak untuk penggunaan di Tablet, dan lainnya.

Gingerbread pada dasarnya adalah kue jahe atau cookie dengan rasa khas jahe. Kue ini sering dibuat untuk merayakan liburan akhir tahun di AS dan dibuat seperti bentuk manusia.

Android 3.0 - 3.2 Honeycomb

Honeycomb dirilis pada Februari 2011, kemudian disusul dengan cepat pada versi 3.1 dan 3.2. Android versi ini khusus dan benar-benar dioptimalkan untuk tablet.

Honeycomb adalah sereal manis yang populer sejak tahun 1965, berupa sereal jagung dengan rasa madu yang berbentuk sarang lebah.

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Ice Cream Sandwich adalah versi terbaru Android untuk smartphone, tablet, dan lainnya. Ice Cream Sandwich dirilis pada 19 October 2011.
Versi ini didasarkan untuk mengoptimalkan multitasking, banyak notifikasi, layar beranda yang dapat disesuaikan, dan interaktivitas mendalam serta cara baru yang ampuh untuk berkomunikasi dan berbagi konten.

Ice Cream Sandwich adalah lapisan es krim yang biasanya berupa vanila yang terjepit antara dua cookies coklat, dan biasanya berbentuk persegi panjang.

Android 4.1 - 4.2 Jelly Bean

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean diumumkan pada 27 Juni 2012 pada konferensi Google l/O. Versi ini adalah yang tercepat dan terhalus dari semua versi Android.
Jelly Bean 4.1 meningkatkan kemudahan dan keindahan tampilan dari Ice Cream Sandwich dan memperkenalkan pengalaman pencarian Google yang baru di Android.

Android 4.2 Jelly Bean diumumkan pada 29 October 2012, versi ini menawarkan peningkatkan kecepatan dan kemudahan Android 4.1 serta mencakup semua fitur baru seperti Photo Sphere dan desain baru aplikasi kamera, keyboard Gesture Typing, Google Now dan lainnya.

Jelly Bean adalah sejenis permen yang juga populer disebut kacang jeli.

Android 4.3?

Rumor terbaru menyebutkan bahwa Google bakal terlebih dahulu menghadirkan versi Android 4.3 sebelum 5.0.
Hingga kini belum dapat dipastikan apakah 4.3 akan tetap dinamakan Jelly Bean ataukah justru bakal menggunakan nama Key Lime Pie yang sebelumnya dikabarkan akan digunakan di versi 5.0.

Santer dikabarkan perangkat pertama yang akan menggunakannya adalah phablet SamsungGalaxy Note 3.

Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie

Belum banyak informasi yang dapat didapat tentang Key Lime Pie. Santer dikabarkan akan diluncurkan pada konferensi Google l/O tahun ini, Key Lime ternyata masih berupa desas-desus semata.

Perkembangan terakhir menyebutkan Key Lime Pie akan memiliki fitur Bluetooth Smart, sebuah fitur Bluetooth yang lebih hemat pemakaian baterai.

Key Lime Pie adalah makanan penutup khas Amerika yang terbuat dari jus jeruk nipis, kuning telur dan susu kental dalam pie crust manis.

Fakta penamaan Android

Untuk merayakan tiap rilis versi baru dari Android, patung raksasa dari bentuk makanan penutup yang sesuai dengan nama tiap versinya selalu dibuat di halaman depan Google Campus untuk dipamerkan.

Selain itu, coba Anda perhatikan huruf pertama dari tiap penamaan versi Android yang berurutan sesuai abjad, yakni C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K.
Ini menyugestikan dua hal yang tidak terungkap sebelumnya. Pertama, Android 1.0 dan 1.1 diduga seharusnya memiliki nama yang diawali huruf A dan B sebelum 1.5 yang dinamai dari huruf C, Cupcake.

Kedua, setelah Key Lime Pie, dipastikan penamaan Android akan dimulai dengan huruf L. Beberapa makanan penutup yang menggunakan huruf L dan cukup populer di AS adalah Lemon Marange Pie, Lemon Cheesecake, atau Lollipop.

history blackberry

    Founded by a Greek immigrant in the city waterloo, Canada. Founder of Research in Motion, Mike Lazaridis was born in Turkey, built a Lego DSI record player at the age of 4 (four) years, a radio at the age of 5 (five) years, and enrolled at the University of Waterloo.He memilihg drop out AFTER won a contract worth 560 thousand U.S. Dollars. The pessimistic mengasumsukan that large competitors will drown blckberry product by flooding the market with similar products. But until now, none of the companies like nokia, motorola or even microsoft is able to make blackberry competitors.
Blackbery advantage is having a very bersabahat appearance and be always connected, so wherever you are, you can always access your email (currently Facebook, Blogging, etc etc). Since its launch in 1999, the blackberry has grossed more than 8 million customers around the world.
In line with the increasing capabilities of mobile communications services, blackberry also come up. And with the increasing decline in communications costs, ultimately BlackBery menjad a phenomenon (currently in Indonesia as well again I think Blackberry fever, children - young people started wearing this well made tools blogging and Facebook's).Blackberry, instant email push technology
INITIALLY, BlackBerry wants LINK POCKET called a name that is functional but boring, then also called STRAWBERRY ALMOST, because it is similar to the strawberries, but it seemed too tame. So called BLACKBERRY, nmaa familiar but clever.BlackBerry first entry into the market by focusing on e-mail services rushed. At first, only the BlackBerry device had a monochrome display, but all current models have color display already.
Currently, RIM offers BlackBerry e-mail service to non-devices such as BlackBerry and Nokia E61 Palm Treo, through the BlackBerry Connect software.
Why many people are attracted BlackBerry? One is its superiority to send and receive electronic mail: send and receive SMS as fast.
BB became a compulsory gadget owned by teenagers who admitted to inign-existed her. After a series Gossip Girl is phenomenal promote BB. Series about young children kehiduppan Class upper Manhattan, Ney York-USA label it as a Blackberry upscale status symbol.
BlackBerry name origin
Selection of BlackBerry own name there story. When it was RIM assisted dg Lexicon Branding Inc.. (Consulting firm branding or brand of American origin) have the inspiration that this device is something sweet in life because of its functionality and ease of reply. The time fihakLexicon see his keyboard like strawberry seeds, but according to them the word "straw" is too long when spoken to seem sluggish. Then chosen BlackBerry, a brand which according to them can represent the sweetness of life in the BlackBerry fruit and the word "Black" who quickly pronounced representing character when the BalckBerry that simple and easy to use.
BlackBerry name was spoofed into CrackBerry (mean crack cocaine) because this device can make users addicted. even because of this issue, in some countries there are regulations that restrict the use of BlackBerry hp. For example, they passed a law Canada deadly trap daari 7 pm to 7 am, weekends and other holidays.
History of
1984 - In 1984, RIM (Research In Motion) was founded by Mike Lazaridis, he served as president and Co-CEO along with Douglas Fregin as Vice President of Operations. RIM to build their business goals electronics consulting and computer science.
1988 - RIM into the second developer in the world to develop products for Mobitex Wireless Network. This is the beginning of paging RIM BlackBerry network to work.
1990 - RIM began to enter the market by introducing DigiSync DigiSync Film Reader, Digital Footage, Frame, and time calculator that will be famous among Hollywood editor and a negative cutter. RIM to change the editing time from 2 hours to 20 minutes.
1998 - RIM began to allow to RIM 950 Wireless Handheld. Handheld computers is then referred to as the BlackBerry. The device offers six lines of the display, can be used for basic email, two-way paging, page browsing content that has been formatted with news, weather, stock exchange, tourist information.
2000 - RIM introduces the RIM 857/957 Wireless Handheld and announced the construction of a network for Java. In addition to the BlackBerry 5790 also released around this year, this handheld has 16Mb memory flash memory.
2001 - In 2001 RIM support for Lotus Notes and Domino in the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. In this year also debuted RIM handhelds based on Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) OS. 

2002 - Year 2002 was a landmark year for RIM. In this year, RIM released a few devices that affect the development of mobile phones in the world.
1. BlackBerry 5810. This is the first series to feature BlackBerry GSM / GPRS radio. The first device in the world with a GSM / GPRS radio

2. BlackBerry 6510. Equipped with walkie-talkie feature
3. BlackBerry 6750. The first BlackBerry device to the user CDMA20001X Wireless Network.
4. BlackBerry 6710 and BlackBerry 6720 with integrated features speaker / microphone and international roaming capability on GSM / GPRS.
2003 - The release of a GSM device BlackBerry 6210, BlackBerry 6220> BlackBerry 6230 (Still sailing Monochrome). And then come back with 3 series of color-screen BlackBerry 7230, BlackBerry 7210 and BlackBerry 7280. BlackBerry 7730 was also released in 2003 with a large color screen and is the first RIM device with Tri Band GSM.
2004 - A 20-year-old RIM. Currently RIM users has reached 2 million worldwide. In this year also released the RIM BlackBerry 7510> 7520 which is the first BlackBerry device with GPS functionality and is also the first BlackBerry with a speakerphone that supports Nextel's Walkie-Talkie.
2005 - In 2005, users of RIM has reached 4 million worldwide. 2-fold from the previous year. This is the year for BlackBerry 8700 with color display, themes, Bluetooth, quad-band support, etc.. At the end of this year RIM introduced the BlackBerry 7130, BlackBerry sail first color for CDMA BlackBerry device

2006 - RIM increasingly become a business partner with the release of BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express can be downloaded free.
8 April 2008 - The FBI provided with the BlackBerry 8830 World Edition of 19.500 units
May 12, 2008 - the previous BlackBerry Smartphone synonymous with the world starting to break into the entertainment business with his present BlackBerry Bold. More fashionable models with a high screen resolution of the display that makes images look intact. It also has the ability to produce clear sound when used to play music.
10 September 2008 - Present BlackBerry flip design. BlackBerry Pearl Flip.
October 8, 2008 - RIM BlackBerry tech start releasing innovative touch screen with the name of the BlackBerry Storm. Verizon and Vodafone show off BlackBerry Storm as the world's first smartphone with clickable touchscreen (touch screen that can be clicked for a small spring embedded below the screen). This touch screen technology called SurePress. Because of this innovation on its touchscreen BlackBerry Storm won the Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough award at the GSMA 14th Annual Global Mobile Awards.

1 April 2009 - Opened the BlackBerry App World online store, where BlackBerry users to download the program.

on 10 november 2011, blackberry launch luxury smartphone that works with companies in the world tomotif Porche, certainly not luxurious but quite elegant in appearance and price is quite exorbitant. if you buy at ITC Roxy 3 jabotabek with RIM official prices valued IDR.15.000.000, 00 whereas for the non-formal (black market) in batam with quite skewed price worth IDR 9,000,000.00

February 12, 2013, blackberry os launched its newest os 10Bplatforms that use the Z10 Z10.BlackBerry blackbery as reported sales of BlackBerry has experienced more than 50% better than the release of all BlackBerry phones ever launched in Canada. According to CEO Thorsten Heins BlackBerry, BlackBerry officially rolled Z10 in the UK on January 31, 2013, while in Canada on February 5, 2013. This is certainly very happy for the team and also investors BlackBerryz10 blackbery price IDR 4,000,000 6.5000.000,00 while blackmarket.

Historical chronology of history and devepolement of scince

    Human culture characterized by the development of science and technology rapidly that a result the role and influence of Western philosophical thought. Early in its development, the days of ancient Greece, philosophy identified with science. The point is between philosophical thinking and science are not separated, so that all human thought which emerged at that time called philosophy. In the Middle Ages, became synonymous with the philosophy of religion, philosophical thought at the time that it becomes one with church dogma. In the 15th century came the Renaissance was followed by Aufklaerung the 18th century that brought changes to the philosophical outlook. At this time separating themselves from the philosophy of religion, so that makes people come forward and speak without fear they will be punished by the church. Modern secular philosophy remains as the Renaissance, the difference is that in this age of science split from philosophy and began to develop into several branches that happen quickly. Even in the 20th century, science began to develop into a variety of specialties and sub-specialties.
Science is a system initially developed to determine the state of the environment disekitanya. Moreover, science is also created to help people's lives easier. In the 20th century, and towards the 21st century, science has become something substantive that dominate human life. However, not only that, science has developed so rapidly that also has caused a humanitarian crisis in life. It is driven by the tendency of human problem solving more bersifsat sector. One attempt to solve the increasingly complex problems that humanity is to study the development of philosophical thinking.
Development of western philosophy is divided into a number of periodization is based on the dominant characteristics of the era. Those periods are:

1. Ancient Greece (Ages 6SM-6M)

Characterize the thinking is cosmocentric, which questioned the origin of the universe and the universe as an effort to discover the origin (arche) which is an element of the onset of symptoms. And several prominent philosophers of our times expressed his opinion about the arches, among others:

Thales (640-550 BC): arche form of water
Anaximander (611-545 BC): arche form apeiron (the infinitive)
Anaximenes (588-524 BC): arche be air
Pythagoras (580-500 BC): arches can be explained on the basis of numbers.
In addition to the above four figures there are two philosophers, namely Herakleitos (540-475 BC) and Parmindes (540-475 BC) who questioned whether the reality was changed, not into something permanent. Another Greek thinker is one who was instrumental in the development of science is Democritus (460-370 BC) which asserts that reality consists of many elements called atoms (atomos, from a-not, and Tomos-divided). In addition, the philosopher Socrates is often discussed (470-399 BC) who directly use the direct method of philosophy in everyday life known as dialectic (dialegesthai) which means conversing. It is also passed on by Plato (428-348 BC). And philosophical thought this time culminating in a Aristotle (384-322 BC) who said that the main task of science is the search for the causes of the investigated object. He also believes that every event must have a four because, among other causes of material, formal cause, efficient cause and the final cause.

2. Middle Ages (6-16M)
Thinking characteristic of our times is theocentric use of philosophical thinking to strengthen Christian religious dogma. At the time of European thought is constrained by the necessity of compliance with religious teachings. Philosophy of Augustine (354-430) were influenced by Plato, is a philosophical thought that discussed the state took part, namely the idea that knowledge creation is a state that is part of God's ideas. While Thomas Aquinas (1125-1274) who follow a philosophy of Aristotle, the theory of the creation which God produces creation out of nothing. In addition, the creation also means constantly producing and maintaining creation.
3. The Renaissance (14-16M)
Is an age concerned in the arts, philosophy, science and technology. This era is also known as the return of the era of human liberty in thought. Figures such as the philosopher of this age is Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) who argued heliosentrisme theory, in which the sun is the center of the universe. And Francis Bacon (1561-1626) who pioneered the philosophy of science with the famous expression "knowledge is power"

4. Modern Age (17-19M)
Patterned anthropocentric philosophy of this age, which makes the human being as the center of attention of philosophical inquiry. In addition, the main topic is the problem of epistemology.

a. Rationalism
This stream found sense is a source of adequate knowledge and trustworthy. Experience is only used to corroborate the truth of the knowledge that has been gained through reason. One of the characters was Rene Descartes (1598-1650) who is also the founder of modern philosophy, known by his statement Cogito Ergo Sum (I think, therefore I am). Descartes method used is called the a priori which literally means based on the things that precede. The point is to use this method as if the man had to know for sure all the symptoms that occur.

b. Empiricism
Stated that the source of knowledge is experience, both physically and spiritually. Sense only function and duty to manage and process the data obtained from the experience. The method used is a posteriori or a method based on the things that happen in later. Spearheaded by Francis Bacon who introduced the experimental method.

c. Criticism
A theory of knowledge that seeks to unite the two different views between Rationalism and Empiricism pioneered by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). He argues that the knowledge gained is the result of the cooperation between the two components, namely the nature of sensory experience and how to cultivate the impression that would cause the relationship between cause and effect.

d. Idealism
Starting from the union of two different Idealism between Subjective Idealism (Fitche) and Objective Idealism (Scelling) by Hegel (1770-1931) became the philosophy of absolute idealism. Hegel argues that the mind is the essence of nature and nature is the whole soul diobyektifkan. The principle of idealism is the belief of the meaning and structure of thought in the world which is the basic intuition.

e. Positivism
Founded by Auguste Comte (1798-1857) who only accept the facts found to be positively scientific. Well-known motto is Prévoir pour savoir, which means to know to be ready for action. The point is that people should be aware of the symptoms and the relationships between symptoms so that he can predict what will happen. This philosophy is also known for its schools of empiricism-critical, observations with theory go hand in hand. He divided the society into social statics and social dynamics.

f. Marxism
Its founder was Karl Marx (1818-1883) is the flow of his philosophy is a blend of the dialectical method of Hegel and Feuerbach. Marx taught that history is run by a logic of its own, and the history of the motor consists of social economic laws. For him philosophy is not just about knowledge and the will, but the actions, ie commit a change, not just to interpret the world. That needs to be changed is the protelar should be able to take over the role of the bourgeois and capitalist revolution through, so that people are no longer oppressed.

5. Contemporary Period (20th century onwards)

The bottom line is known as logosentris, the text becomes a central theme of the discourse of the philosophers. This is because the expressions of philosophy tends to be confusing and difficult to understand. Though the task of philosophy is not just to make a statement about something, but also solve the problems arising from misunderstanding of the logic language, and give a logical explanation on the ideas expressed.
At this time appeared various schools of philosophy and most of these streams is a continuation of the schools of philosophy that had developed in previous times, such as Neo-Thomism, Neo-Marxism, Neo-Positivism and so on. :)

Sumber: http://sophiascientia.wordpress.com/kronologis-historis-sejarah-dan-perkembangan-ilmu-pengetahuan/

IT developments in Indonesia

       Now is the role of IT in human keidupan is increasingly important. Because along with the development of the IT people did a lot of work in front of computers and using mobile phones for communication. But it must also be balanced with awareness to use IT for the benefit of a positive. Hence not a few IT experts who use it for evil. So it appears logical development of IT in developed enough, but yet in many ways. And the need for supervision of the authorities so that the negative impact of IT can be reduced. Some examples of these stories is expected to open the eyes of the reader as well.
If you go to the train station in Jakarta and Bandung or you want to buy a train ticket, then you have to queue at the ticket window is already computerized train. One time sale rail system is not functioning so the tickets are sold without a seat number. Can you imagine that happening in the train, chaos. The problem is there is already a reservation ahead of time and got a seat, while there is buy a ticket without a seat (because the computer is damaged). Information about seat numbers are not accessible by ticket sellers, resulting in chaos.
To see how proprietary information is an important thing can also be seen in the case of economic and political progress at this time. Anyone who has information will be hunted down and hold (good or bad?). For the media that previous information and publishing it would gain from the sale-selling newspaper, magazine or tabloid. Even in the streets there are people who sell fotocopyan of news in newspapers, magazines, or tabloids.
And what role student / student to the development of IT in Indonesia?and how prevention of negative things of IT development?
"It would be quite rapid changes in trends and developments in information technology (information technology) in 2010, particularly in the fields of multimedia and gaming that I wrestled. For each prediction list field as described below.
Social GamingImpact of Facebook's growing development in 2010 will be better displayed through the growing social games like Farmville players and Playfish is allegedly already exceeded the growth of Twitter though. This development was triggered by the emergence of the increasingly popular use of micropayment and developing such models online flash games.
Body Motion SensorNow play the game will be more fun because it would appear controller which utilizes the movement of the body as the body, hands and feet. Microsoft has a Christmas project while Playstation Motion Controller also has the same function. While the PC is already available in some software that utilizes motion sensor body with a webcam.
Augmented RealityGame development model that combines augmented reality and virtual world games in one simulation, it would be more popular due to the availability of several new platforms such as Iphone that supports Augmented Reality applications. During the AR only popular in desktop PC but is now starting to break into the mobile gadget.
Internet TVThese developments will begin to bloom in the country in 2010 but still has a high cost constraints for general use. However the trend of internet TV will jump dramatically in 2010 due to the completion of Telkom infrastructure currently under construction. The problem is the content still has to compete with social networks like Facebook are pretty take on high bandwidth traffic.
Mobile PaymentsIn line with the rise of Facebook in mobile gadgets will trigger the use of mobile payment in HP. T-Cash payment model into an example of the trend that started in 2009. In 2010 will come the new players in the field of mobile payments online.
Online ApplicationOutdated use Office with Desktop PC and should be tied to a specific location. In 2010, the use of web-based applications with Office Apps will flare models due to increase available bandwidth. In the year 2009 are still some countries that use it to the maximum, slowly this trend will begin to increase rapidly in Asia and Indonesia. An example is the Zoho applications.
Cloud ComputingAlong with the online application requirements, the cloud computing system will be expanded further in 2010. Not just a provider of email and file storage in large volume, but has begun to provide service in the form of both applications and individual enterprise level.
IT developments are rapid enough to be balanced with kesdaran to use IT for good, for something positive. So in accordance with the IT function as a communication tool as well as human aids in doing the work and obtain information and communicate.

Sejarah Muhammadiyah

Muhammadiyah didirikan di Kampung Kauman Yogyakarta, pada tanggal 8 Dzulhijjah 1330 H/18 Nopember 1912 oleh seorang yang bernama Muhammad Darwis, kemudian dikenal dengan KHA Dahlan .
Beliau adalah pegawai kesultanan Kraton Yogyakarta sebagai seorang Khatib dan sebagai pedagang. Melihat keadaan ummat Islam pada waktu itu dalam keadaan jumud, beku dan penuh dengan amalan-amalan yang bersifat mistik, beliau tergerak hatinya untuk mengajak mereka kembali kepada ajaran Islam yang sebenarnya berdasarkan Qur`an dan Hadist. Oleh karena itu beliau memberikan pengertian keagamaan dirumahnya ditengah kesibukannya sebagai Khatib dan para pedagang.
Mula-mula ajaran ini ditolak, namun berkat ketekunan dan kesabarannya, akhirnya mendapat sambutan dari keluarga dan teman dekatnya. Profesinya sebagai pedagang sangat mendukung ajakan beliau, sehingga dalam waktu singkat ajakannya menyebar ke luar kampung Kauman bahkan sampai ke luar daerah dan ke luar pulau Jawa. Untuk mengorganisir kegiatan tersebut maka didirikan Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah. Dan kini Muhammadiyah telah ada diseluruh pelosok tanah air.
Disamping memberikan pelajaran/pengetahuannya kepada laki-laki, beliau juga memberi pelajaran kepada kaum Ibu muda dalam forum pengajian yang disebut "Sidratul Muntaha". Pada siang hari pelajaran untuk anak-anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Pada malam hari untuk anak-anak yang telah dewasa.
KH A Dahlan memimpin Muhammadiyah dari tahun 1912 hingga tahun 1922 dimana saat itu masih menggunakan sistem permusyawaratan rapat tahunan. Pada rapat tahun ke 11, Pemimpin Muhammadiyah dipegang oleh KH Ibrahim yang kemudian memegang Muhammadiyah hingga tahun 1934.Rapat Tahunan itu sendiri kemudian berubah menjadi Konggres Tahunan pada tahun 1926 yang di kemudian hari berubah menjadi Muktamar tiga tahunan dan seperti saat ini Menjadi Muktamar 5 tahunan.
